Hamstring Drama

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In my last post, I mentioned that I signed up for a 5 mile race and was trying to follow a mini- training plan to help me get a PR.  For my first week, I ran 3 miles easy on my treadmill for Tuesday and did some hill work on Wednesday.

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I started Wednesday with a 1 mile warm up to get to the road with the hill I was using.  Lap 2 was me getting to the base of the hill and walking it out for a bit.  Lap 3, 5 and 7 were me trying to run up this hill at a quick pace.  I was exhausted and breathing heavy after each one.  I expected to hate it, but it wasn’t that bad!  I know doing stuff like this will help me get faster.


On Thursday, I took a nice fall and landed on my butt.  I fell with my right leg straight out and my left leg bent behind me.  I was in a sort of half split and slammed my right knee into the ground.

After I got up and shook it out, I expected a big bruise on my knee but didn’t think much of the fall.  I taught BODYPUMP that night and picked a nice lunge track with lots of single leg jumps (release 80).


Colby and I stopped in at our favorite burrito place.  I went all sweaty and nasty like this and I didn’t even care.  Are you proud of my sweaty pic Kristy?

Friday morning I woke up with a bruise on my right knee and an insanely tight hamstring.  As the day went on, it got worse and worse.  By Friday night I was limping and couldn’t bend my right leg.  I guess when I fell I strained the muscle and probably made it way worse by jumping around at BODYPUMP.  Saturday was horrible and I was starting to get nervous.  I iced and laid with my leg elevated and by Sunday I could bend it! Woo Hoo!  I am typing this Monday night and it is a million times better now.  I have been able to stretch it and I am walking normal.  I am sad I had to stop running and teaching pump, but it is better to take it easy for now.  I’m hoping to walk and stretch this week and hopefully go for a run by Thursday or Friday.  🙂

Posted on September 10, 2013, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. wait a minute?! that’s sweat? i don’t believe it 😉

    i wish i looked like that when I “sweat”…he he

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