LES MILLS Philly Super Q 2016


On Saturday, I attended the LES MILLS Super Quarterly in Philadelphia.  I went with two friends from my gym and attended as many classes as I could handle!! 🙂

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I packed extra clothes and food Friday night.  In my lunch box: protein shake, carrots, hard boiled eggs, apple, bananas, almond butter, LARABARs, grapes, baked chicken, pistachios and Blue Diamond gluten free brown rice, almond & flax seed crackers.  I ate most of this during the day and on the ride home!


I signed up for a class in every time slot.  My goal was to actually take all of them!


BODYPUMP 98 – Very, very crowded but so much energy for the first class of the day!  I got a great spot up front and LOVED the music.  Very excited to get my instructor downloads for this in a few weeks!

BODYSTEP 104 – I did the first half (30 minutes) and then sat and watched the second half.  Loved the music and was happy it was the athletic version.

CXWORX 23 – The sound music/mic levels weren’t the best for this class.  I was also pretty far back, so it can be hard to see what is going on during a CXWORX class.  I really liked track 2 (hover – core strength 1) with hovers and hand sweeps.

BODYJAM 77 – A little out of my element, but so glad I took the full class.  Once you stop worrying about what you look like – it is so fun!  I always love the music 🙂

BODYVIVE 3.1 39 – This was my first time taking this class and it was a huge SHOCK!  SO HARD!! I felt like it was a blend of BODYATTACK and CXWORX and the music was really fun.  I took the whole thing, except the last core track.  I just couldn’t believe how it made my legs, hips and glutes hurt so much!

edsessionEducation Session: Round Robin – This hour session was fantastic.  Every program was represented in an area of the gym and you could pick between them.  Four time slots of 15 minutes, so I went with my AIM 2 trainer Kurt for BODYFLOW, then went to CXWORX and BODYPUMP.  I tried to eat some food during this time too! Each session was incredibly helpful regarding the new releases.  BODYFLOW 73 focuses on slowing down and simplicity with “Yin Yoga”.

GRIT CARDIO 17 – The trainer was fantastic for this always tough class.  It was super difficult because it was at the end of the day.  I did about 15-20 minutes of the 30 minute class, and then took a break.  My friends from the gym – Jamie and Torrey went full out crazy on this class (they looooovvvve GRIT!!) and they looked awesome.  I am always impressed by them!

BODYFLOW 73 – I was so excited for this!!! It felt SO GOOD!  I loved the release and I was so happy to get right up to the front.  My legs held up surprisingly well and this release was very calm and slow.  By the end, I pretty much fell asleep during the relaxation track 🙂

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Jamie, Torrey and I had a great day!!

Posted on May 8, 2016, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. This looks AMAZING! I wish they did more Les Mills classes at my gym.

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